Professional Profiles by Nadine
Nadine Maas
Call: Florida +1 (952) 237-1929
If you would like to ask questions about our service, please feel free to contact Nadine who will personally speak with you to critique your resume and provide you with helpful and realistic recommendations.
Your résumé is truly your passport to the exciting career opportunities you seek. Nadine can help you design a presentation that will drive your interview process. Getting in the door is the first step to getting the job you want. So don’t hesitate. Take the first step to moving your career to the next level.
If you wish to initiate a preparation, contact Nadine. She will be glad to help you select a package that fits your needs, interview with you by phone to get the building blocks for your résumé, collaboratively create and edit final copy with you, and provide you with a winning résumé that will open the door to exciting new career opportunities!