How To Land The Job You Really Want

Landing the job you really want in today’s tough economy calls to mind an experience I had when visiting Walt Disney World on a busy day. I was with a native Floridian who was good at traversing Disney crowds and traffic. Based on her observations of human behavior, she had devised a plan for maximizing the Disney visitor experience.

She had observed that the average person has a tendency to visit attractions by circling to the right and working their way around the park in a cyclic fashion. So by starting from the left, she found shorter lines, abbreviated wait times, and had much more fun. It occurred to me that this analytical model could be useful in searching for a job. We must likewise approach the formidability of the task in this economy by conducting our search in more unique ways. If we rely on the traditional approach, and follow the crowd, like the Disney visitor, we will find the crowds to be bigger, the competition more challenging, and our results less rewarding.

So let’s reassess and take a more unique approach to the job search process.

What does the average person do when searching for a position?

Do they not consult the classified ads and conduct an Internet search to find jobs that are available?

And isn’t that what the majority of job seekers do?

Is there anything you can do that will pull you away from the job search traffic and give you a better advantage in the marketplace?



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